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Join us for a day of serving in our 731 community by being a part of our Journey Kids/412 Student Ministry Family Serve Day on Saturday, January 30th! One of our goals at Journey Church is to love our 731 community well, and Family Serve Day is one of the ways we're trying to serve people in our community together. Family Serve Day is geared for your whole family to be able to serve with projects both big and small so that everyone can contribute. During this particular serve day, we are partnering to help the Blessing Box effort in the Jackson area, Room At The Inn, as well as a few local elementary schools. Here's a closer look at some of the projects we'll be tackling:

-Packing Hygiene Kits and Meal Kits 

-Building, installing and landscaping 2 Blessing Boxes in the Three Way and Humboldt areas

-Delivering these kits to 15+ Blessing Boxes strategically placed around Jackson and beyond

-Packing Valentine Treat Kits for Humboldt’s Stigall and East Elementary schools

-Packing Snack Kits for ‘Room at the Inn’ Ministry

-Decorating encouragement cards for all of the kits above!

Family Serve Day will kick off at 10:00am at Journey Church, and we'll continue to provide updates as the final details of these projects fall into place. We'd love to have your help in serving our community, so make sure to register today!

Another way that you can be a part of our Family Serve Day is by helping us with some of the supplies needed for our service projects. If you'd like to contribute toward the supplies we need for these projects, then use the link below to purchase supplies via our Amazon Wishlist. Supplies need to be to Journey Church by January 27th.

questions about family serve day? GET IN TOUCH!