Information about in-person services for Journey Church in Jackson, TN.


After much prayer and planning, Journey Church is excited to begin the process of holding in-person worship experiences beginning the weekend June 6th/7th. We’re adapting how we go about offering in-person services and we’re excited about a few new initiatives we’re adding to our ministry in order to continue meeting the needs of our community and beyond. We will be limiting the capacity of each service in order to maintain social distancing guidelines, so beginning the weekend of June 6th/7th, we ask that you reserve a space in one of our services for each person who will be attending with you. You can reserve your seats by clicking here:


Journey will resume service in our facility beginning the weekend of June 6th. In an effort to work with our community, we are intentionally limiting the crowd size of each service to 50% of our capacity so that we can maintain the practice of social distancing. To that end, we are adding an additional service time so that we can make space for everyone who wants to attend one of our services. In addition, we are asking everyone who plans to attend one of our services to register for a seat so that we can plan for and accommodate all who wish to attend. Here are some additional items for you to know about resuming in-person services the first weekend of June:

  • Service times are Saturdays at 6:00pm and Sundays at 9:30am and 11:00am.
  • We ask that you register a spot for you and those who will attend with you by following this link: Reserve Your Seat
  • Registering for a space in the service will need to be done on a weekly basis until further social distancing guidelines have been relaxed.
  • JourneyKids areas will be open to kids birth-5th grade.
  • Students 6th-12th grade will be in our main service until our 412 Student Ministry resumes for middle school students at a later date.


In addition to in-person worship services, we’re excited about taking our next step with online services. Beginning the first weekend in June, Journey will begin an online ministry to help those within our community who are unable to attend in-person services to stay connected to Journey as well as help reach people beyond West Tennessee. We will stream our online services on Sundays at 9:30am and 11:00am (Central Time) on our church online platform which can be accessed on our main page. These online experiences will include messages and music which will mirror our in-person services but with some unique content to help people connect online. If you can’t be a part of our in-person services at Journey, we highly encourage you to be a part of our online community!


Can my child(ren) sit with me in the Big Room? This is definitely an option and we encourage you to do whatever works best for your family.

Is JourneyKids available for my children? JourneyKids will be available for children birth-5th grade. We ask that you make sure to register them when you reserve your spots for the service you plan to attend on a weekly basis.

How do I check my children in when I arrive? Members of our JourneyKids team will handle checking kids in. This way only one person is touching the check-in screen.

Are there precautions being made to ensure a clean, sanitized environment? Yes. All high-volume areas will be thoroughly sanitized between services.

How will we exercise social distancing in the Big Room? You will be able to sit with those with whom travelled. Spacing of rows and leaving open chairs between others will allow ample space.

Are masks required? Our volunteers and leaders will be wearing masks. While they are not required for all in attendance, they are encouraged.

Do I need to reserve my seats in the Big Room or spots in Journey Kids? We ask that you reserve space in the service you plan to attend for you and your family on a weekly basis. Simply follow the link on our main page and fill out the quick form that follows.

Are we limiting how many people can attend each service? Yes. To ensure social distancing we are operating at 50% capacity. This is the reasoning that necessitates reserved seating and adding a third service option.

Are children required to wear masks? No. Leaders will, but children aren’t required to wear them.

What is being done to provide a safe space for children? Rooms are being sanitized before and after each service. Half of the toys have been removed from the classrooms so we can be sure each surface is germ free. Leaders will be wearing masks and temperatures taken before they enter their room.

Will we be passing offering baskets and communion trays? Communion and offering trays will not be passed during the service. Instead, there will be an area in the back of the Big Room for guests who want to give. All seat-back materials, papers, and pens will also be removed.

Will hospitality coffee area be open? No hospitality food or beverages will be offered at this time. Water fountain will not be open or useable.

What can I do to help?

  • If you don't feel well or have health concerns, please stay home and join us at
  • We encourage you to wear a mask.
  • Please wash your hands and use hand sanitizer often.
  • Maintain a distance of six feet between yourself and other guests.
  • If you don’t feel comfortable attending in-person or have had any exposure to COVID-19, please join us for our online services and continue to be a part of our community.

have questions or need to get in touch?